Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Moon (2009 D. Duncan Jones)

"I hope life on Earth is everything you remember it to be."

What does it really mean to be a human? This film had me really thinking about that question. Moon taps into the meaning of life, and the human emotion.

In this futuristic sci-fi film, Sam Bell (played by Sam Rockwell) is finishing up a 3 year contract on the moon. What is his job? He works for a company called Lunar Industries. Sam harvests and sends fuel that is used on earth.

Now, 3 years is a long time, wouldn't you agree? Sam would definitely agree with you. It has begun to get under his skin as he goes day-to-day feeling nothing but isolation. His only form of communication is a computer named GERTY (voice of Kevin Spacey). GERTY has become his friend in a way as he assists him with his needs and daily tasks. But even GERTY can't fill the hole of loneliness. Sam has a wife and a little girl waiting at home for him and he is itching to get to them. He misses that human interaction, that feeling of closeness that he may have took for granted in the past. Unfortunately for Sam, there is no live feed to and from Earth, so he only receives recorded video messages from his wife.

Just when he is only a few days away from his trip home, something happens. And, I'm sorry to say that if I said anything else, I'd be ruining the movie! If you watched the trailer, you may have an idea. Lets just say he has somewhat of a.. personal interaction.

Sam Rockwell did an amazing job with this film. The script was made specifically for him, so he did a really good job following through with it. He's really the only character you get to know, and so it takes a lot to keep the audience interested when they are constantly looking at one actor in one location. But, you really begin to relate to him, and connect deeply with his conflict and emotions.

This really is a thought provoking film. It taps into your brain as you begin to question if you are taking your life for granted, if you really appreciate that relationship with your sibling, or your lover. What do we see when we look deep into ourselves? Imagine how much time Sam had to think about his life, and himself.

I think most of us forget the fact that human life is so precious, and we should be grateful for everything that we have.

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