Wednesday, October 19, 2011

3 Forgotten Films That Make My Skin Crawl

  1. Night of the Hunter (1955) D. Charles Laughton - This is no horror film, but its villain and visually striking features certainly give me the chills. Harry Powell, played by the fantastic Robert Mitchum, is probably one of the most frightening characters on screen (in my opinion, anyway). He plays a "preacher" who goes to extreme measures with ease to get his hands on a load of money that is hidden somewhere on his ex-jail mate's property. His evil tendencies masked with the nick name "preacher" sends shivers down my spine. 
  2. Eyes Without a Face (1960) D. Georges Franju - It has been a while since I've seen this film, but I specifically remember the beginning started with distinct, frantic music that immediately freaked me out. This film is about a doctor who surgically removes the faces off of women to try and give his daughter a normal face back after a tragic accident. There's nothing creepier than seeing a figure with a white prosthetic mask gliding down the dark hallways. Check out the intro of Eyes Without a Face above. 
  3. Whatever Happened to Baby Jane? (1962) D. Robert Aldric - I wouldn't consider this a horror film either, but more of a thriller. What DID happen to Baby Jane? She became a grotesque psycho, that's what. She was once a child star, but as her stardom faded, she grew more and more desperate and bitter.. not to mention envious of her sister, Blanche. It's definitely unsettling to watch the sistersinside the big house filled with the past. 

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